Friday, January 14, 2011

this is progress

i shit you not, i am pretty sure that, 16 undecided prime ministerial votes later, the last candidate bowing out is the most progress that has happened since i wrote this post giving a brief snapshot of nepali politics in JULY. literally...nothing. so now they start from scratch, with a grand total of five months to form a government, pass a budget, and oh, y'know, write an entire constitution. this feels familiar....

in other (less sarcastic) news, nepal's most effective legislator, sushil babu pant, once again pushes nepal past the US in terms of gender and sexuality justice, by getting the category "third gender" approved for use on the upcoming national census.

also, i'm apparently now a sagittarius ("concerned with philosophy, higher education and global thinking... typically interested in expanding their horizons through traveling abroad, learning foreign languages, or immersing themselves in unique cultures... thrive on higher education") and not a capricorn ("a businesslike approach to most everything they do... extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of that they can reap the benefits of success, namely fame, prestige and money... the recognition and social status they so fervently crave...They are traditional...and somewhat inhibited"), which i think makes a LOT more sense. although i do dig goats.

one of my many goat pictures from humla

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