Wednesday, July 28, 2010

today's headline 28/07/10

nepali papers may not have particularly in depth coverage...or impartial reporting...or copy editors, apparently, but they do have an ineffable charm to them. thus, i bring you headlines of the day: screen grabs, headlines, and quotes from nepal's finest english-language journalism.

the himalayan times 25 july 2010: HURPES Probe Panel

ok, so it isn't the HT's fault that Human Rights and Peace Society took such an unintentionally hilarious acronym. so i'll make up for it with what ranks as my current all time favorite from the kathmandu post (11 may 2010):

Govt colleges dungeons of poo 

to be fair, i think we all had a shitty time in high school (BA DA BING. tip your waitress, goodnight!)

1 comment:

  1. oh my actual... how did it escape my notice that there is an NGO called HURPES? haha
